Friday, September 10, 2010

Textured Acrylic on Bristol Board

My teacher had almost all of his classes crank out small rectangular paintings like this, and combined them in a program which created mosaics out of hundreds, thousands, possibly millions of pictures. I like this particular one because of the texture, especially how it stands out even in a scan.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

5-point Perspective Inflated City

I drew this for a homework in last year's art class after my teacher had just finished teaching me 5-Point Perspective. The little boy adds a little different perspective and possibly a metaphor I haven't thought of yet. I later expanded this and have a large painting in 5-Point perspective I hope to upload soon.

This is a blog by my friend Billie. We are in the same art class and she was the ones who inspired the creation of this blog.